Hello Everyone.I am Going to start a series on modern Indian History. Stay Tuned more articles coming on the way.

Mughals Came to India in 1526, with defeat of Irabhim Lodhi(1517-1526)(Last Ruler of Lodhi Dynasty:1451-1526) in 1st Battle of Panipat the foundation of Mughal Rule was laid in India.With it the Delhi Sultnate also ended in India.It was surprising that Delhi Sultnate ruled India more than 450 years, precisely from 1106AD with corornation of Qutub-uddin-Aibak(Slave Dynasty) to 1526 AD. Again it is still persistent question why Babur Chose to invade India ? Some Historians claim that it is because of invitation by Rana Sanga of Mewar who wanted Irabhim to be ousted from Delhi. But to his surprise & opposite to Sanga's Expectation, Babur Chose to stay in India and establish Empire. While Other claim Babur was Impressed by Wealth of India or the Dreams Shown to him by his Father etc. Again , my Question is why does Rana Sanga need Babur to defeat Lodhi as he had already defeated him in Battle of Khatoli in 1517 itself ??

Now, Lets us know more about Babur. Who he was ?

Babur was the descendant of Timur from his Father side i.e. Turk and descendent of Cheghiz Khan from his Mother side i.e. A Mongol Babur ascended to throne of Ferghana when he was only 12 years old in 1594 AD. However his kingdom faced attacks mainly from Shabanin khan , local leader/attacker and he had to flee from there.It was quite obvious that such young kid can't handle empire and Factionalism automatically emerges in local polity. Then after years of Struggle, he finally defeated Shabani and taken back Ferghana but due to treaty signed for his help with war with Shabani Khan(signed without his full knowledge), he had to leave it. Then he married to princess of Kabul, Gulrukh and thus became ruler of Kabul.

How come he won Against mighty Army of Irabhim Lodhi ??

Again, it was a miltitary Tactic used by Babur (1526-1530) to outsmart Lodhi. He used Tulguma Method and Flankparty System. Also he used 1st time Gun Powder in War. It just panicked Lodhi and he was defeated.

Babur succumbed to death in 1530 and he was buried in Kabul. After him , there was a cold war between Humayun Mirza and Kamran Mirza for throne. However Humayun sat on throne. Babur Wrote his autobiography Tuzuk-i-Babri in Turkisk and translated into Persian by Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khana (son of Bairam Khan and Salima Sultan).

Finally Lets us look at Map of That time to understand on which part of India Babur ruled.

Having said that, Stay tuned for next article which will be out very soon. Do comment your views also


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