
Showing posts with the label Shershah

Jahangir: The Renaissance Emperor of the Mughal Dynasty

Jahangir, born Nur-ud-din Muhammad Salim, ascended to the Mughal throne in 1605, succeeding his father, Akbar the Great. His reign marked a fascinating era in Indian history, characterized by cultural flourishing, political stability, and diplomatic prowess. Often overshadowed by his father and grandson, Jahangir, nonetheless, left an indelible mark on the Mughal Empire. Jahangir's reign was a period of cultural renaissance. He was a patron of the arts and a connoisseur of beauty, famously chronicling his life and times in the exquisite Jahangirnama. His court was a melting pot of poets, artists, and scholars, where Persian and Indian cultures mingled, giving rise to a unique synthesis. Artists like Mansur and Bishandas flourished under his patronage, producing remarkable works of art that captured the essence of Mughal aesthetics. Despite his love for the arts, Jahangir was also a pragmatic ruler. He consolidated his empire through shrewd diplomacy and military campaigns. His


Akbar (1556-1605) Ruled India, who is considered as real founder of Mughal Empire.He is considered as greatest mainly because he basically laid the roots of Mughal Empire by Various factors- such as displaying secular vis-a-vis Hindu and Muslims,his Land Revenue Policies such as Dahsala System introduced by his Finance Minister Todarmal and also his Mansabdari System which is basically a patron-client relationship between Emperor and his Mansabdars. In the annals of Indian history, few figures loom as large and influential as Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar, commonly known as Akbar the Great. Born on October 15, 1542, Akbar ascended to the Mughal throne at the tender age of 14, inheriting an empire rife with internal strife and external threats. Yet, through his astute leadership, visionary policies, and embrace of pluralism, Akbar not only stabilized the empire but also laid the foundations for one of the most prosperous and culturally vibrant periods in Indian history. One of Akbar&


Shershah Suri was the Jagirdar of Bihar. He accepted suzernity of Babur and returned to Bihar. When Babur died in 1530, Although Humayun ascended to throne , but there was infighting emerged in Mughal Polity resulting in Weak Centre. Thus it proved to be breeding ground for Sher Khan to emerge as power centre. Again, Humayun was busy in infighting among family, Sher Shah suri Power risen significantly enough to challenge Humayun. Hence , Battle of CHAUSA 1539 was fought between Humayun and Sher Khan in which Humayun was badly lost. Humayun tried Again in Kannuaj in 1540 .This Time Humayun lost even badly and he had to flee from Agra and Sher Khan was after him.Well as Emperor has left Throne now Sher Khan sat on Throne with name Sher Shah Suri. Sher Shah Suri Now, Shershah suri ruled for 5 years from 1540 to 1545. However his Administration was steel frame.Its effectiveness can be realised from the fact that Akbar aslo followed it when he sat